How to get ready for online Yoga Class for students

So, you have decided to take an online yoga class, GREAT! Now, it is as important for you to do some preparations as it is for a teacher before you join the class.

Below are some suggestions that can help you to attend the class smoothly and make the most out of it.

1. Start your preparation at least few minutes before the class.

2. Get ready with the suitable clothing for the class.

3. Keep your phone or laptop ready with the software required for the class, for example Google Meet, Zoom, Skype etc.

If your laptop has a better camera, I would suggest you to use laptop instead of phone or check if you can project your phone’s screen to your TV as you can see the teacher and the poses better on a bigger screen.

4. Use wi-fi preferably and keep your phone on airplane mode with wi-fi on. If you are using a data plan, please do not switch to airplane mode.

How to get ready for online Yoga Class for students

5. Keep your camera in front of you (preferably horizontally) at a distance where it can capture your whole body (in standing position) and yoga mat too.

How to get ready for online Yoga Class for students

6. Remember to turn on the ‘Auto-Rotate’ option when keeping your phone horizontally or the video will not switch from portrait mode to landscape mode.

How to get ready for online Yoga Class for students

I use this beautiful little tripod by Amazon Basics to hold my cam or the webcam

How to get ready for online Yoga Class for students

7. Keep your yoga mat horizontally in front of the camera.

8. Keep your phone’s or laptop’s audio (attach speakers if available) at a level where you can hear the instructions properly. Choose a quiet place.

9. Login to the video call meeting room within 5 minutes of the class timings.

10. Keep a hand towel. You may need it.

11. Drinking water is not advised. However, you can keep a water bottle and take a sip if it is really necessary.

If you have any questions please do let me know in the comment section below.


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Ankush Dhiman

I take each day as it comes. Love nature, good food, meditation, yoga, cycling and photography.

I am an Internationally certified Yoga Teacher (RYT 200) at Yoga with Ankush

Articles: 40


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